C.E. Allen Art
Painting The Bold West!

Artist Bio
Cate finds herself drawing from a diverse pool of experiences when she starts a new painting. She lived in New Mexico and Arizona for 13 years and her various job experiences took her to many of the regions tribal areas. Her family was often invited to ceremonies, pow-wows, and artist events. During this time she collected pieces of art, jewelry, pottery, rugs, but most importantly, memories and relationships.
As a child she was surrounded by a family with several artists and attended club meetings, plein air outings, and art shows.
Cate and her daughters were active in rodeo and she loves seeing the world from a saddle.
After years in the ski industry as a ski school manager, trainer and program designer, she took a new career adventure, graduating from a grueling para-military style police academy to join the ranks of law enforcement. As a Colorado State Parks Law Enforcement Ranger she spent time in the forests and on the lakes of western Colorado. More recently she served as a reserve deputy marshal in a small western Colorado town.
The constants you will find in her art are bright, bold colors. She interprets the wildlife around her along with unique perspectives of western Americana, and Native American subjects. These can bring the viewer to feel a connection tied to a memory of their own. Cate prices her art in the hope that anyone can purchase an original piece of art for their home. What good is art if you can’t own it?
Cate says, “Although I enjoy workshops, and demos, I most enjoy working with Kevin Red Star, a preeminent Crow Artist. I consider him both a friend and mentor and am always grateful at how he shares his expertise. I try not to do too many workshops annually as you can lose your own style and “voice’ if you integrate other artist’s styles and information. I try to remain “original” and find my own style/subjects as I work in my studio.”
Artist’s contact information
Cathy “Cate” E. Allen
Pagosa Springs, Co-Santa Fe, NM
(970) 314-4056
C. E. Allen on Facebook
Montrose Visual Arts Guild
Oct 9-11,2015
Judge-Cynthia Underwood
The Charge II 15”x30” acrylic
Grey Badger 36”x36” mixed media (sold post show)
Teton Traveler 30”x40” acrylic
The Artist’s Haven
Grand Junction, Co
Falling in Color Show
October 5-30, 2015
“Buckskin Moon” Won second -place (sold post show)
“The Turquoise Trader”
“Beaded Bison” 5”x7” mixed media (sold post show)
Grand Junction Brush and Palette Club 68th Annual Member Show Sept 30 – Nov 16, 2015
George Callison -Judge
‘Spotted Horse” 48”x”48”x”2” Winner People’s choice award
“Plateau Creek sunset” 5”x7” small wall section
“O Fair New Mexico” 24”x24” (framed)
Western Colorado Center For The Arts
Annual Holiday Arts and Craft Show (Juried)
November 20-22, 2015
Miniature and regular size art pieces.
Cards from original art and hand painted ornaments.
Carbon County Art guild & Depot Gallery
December 2015 Holiday Mini show and sale
Dancing Buffalo Gallery
Virginia City, Montana
Winter holiday show and sale December 2015
City of Grand Junction Commission on Arts and Culture City Hall Art on Loan Jan 12- March 28, 2016
Western Colorado Center For The Arts
Feb 5-27 2016
“Some Bunny Loves Me”- First Place (sold post show)
Western Spirit Art Show and Sale Cheyenne WY Cheyenne Frontier Days Old West Museum March 5- April 17, 2016 “Some Other Mother’s Son,” &“Some Mother’s Son”
Brush & Palette Club 69thth annual show October 2016
U S Bank Art Auction May 2017
(Sold)“Taming The West”
Art in The Beartooths Silent Auction- July 8, 2017
“Proud”(sold post show)
70th Annual Brush and Palette Club show –October 2017 Awarded Kevin Red Star Studios Legacy Ribbon for “Mama’s Got You”
Workshops and Classes:
Kevin Red Star-2015,2016,2017,2018,2019(twice),2020,2021
Kay Crane-2015
Bob Martin-2015
Jack Kepart-2016
Rachael Kolb-Bailey- 2016, 2017
Giving Back:
Donation- “American Bison” to St Labre Indian School August 2015 Ashland WY (Fundraiser)
Donation- “ Up Close and Personal” to Keystone Science Camp (sold at the silent auction which raised $30,000)
Donation- Virginia City MT Chamber of commerce annual fundraiser June 2016 “Lickety Split”
School district 51 Ice Gala 2/2017 “Taos Vespers”
School Dist 51 “Elevate Conference” July 2017 small paintings ,magnets , and cards
Donation Keystone Science Camp Aug 2017 “Rookie Brookie” value $212
Donation Angel Horse Therapy, Billings, MT “Whole lot of Chrome” and “Jim’s Horse Chipeta” Value $212 Each.
“Shake it Off” Angel Horse Therapy- value S750 Billings MT 2019
Chamber of Commerce Virginia City MT Two cards and Miniature painting 2018
Keystone Science School Fiesta auction 2018- “The Hunter” -Value $100- “Quit Badgering Me”- value $40 - Pet Picnic kit- Value $20-
Grand Jct Symphony silent auction 2019 “Skye’ value $170
“To See what He could See”- (Door prize) June 2019 An evening with CE ALLEN show Dancing Buffalo Gallery Virginia City MT
Selected Affiliations:
The Brush and Palette Club
Grand Junction, CO
Carbon County Art Guild & Depot Gallery
Red Lodge, Montana
National Oil & Acrylic Painters Society 2020
Western Art Rodeo Association 2017-2020
Gallery representation:
Carbon County Art Guild & Depot Gallery
Red Lodge, Montana
Dancing Buffalo Gallery
Virginia City Montana
Wind River Gallery
Riverton, Wyoming
Craig Gallery
Windsor- Betts Art Brokerage
Santa Fe, New Mexico
The Shop A Christmas Store
Santa Fe, NM
Selected Past Shows, Events, & Awards
Brush & Palette Club Annual Member show (October 3-November 15, 2014)
People’s Choice Award Ribbon “Brings The Thunder”
“Paint’s His Face Black”( sold)
Provided Aspen scene painted on Pumpkin for reception table 2015
Western Colorado Center for the Arts Member’s Open Exhibition February3-Feb 27, 2015
First Place “Black Mesa Fancy Dancer”
Rocky Mountain Regional Juried Exhibit
Carbon County Arts Guild & Depot Gallery
Red Lodge, Montana –John Potter – Judge
April 1-April 30 2015
US Bank Fine Art Auction (juried)
Grand Junction Colorado May 1 2015
“First Breath Of Winter” 48”x60” (sold)
Art in the Beartooths- Silent Auction (juried)
Carbon County Arts Guild& Depot Gallery Red Lodge, MT
“War Dog 1”- (sold)
“Red Hawk”-(sold)
“When Raven Stole Crow’s Food”- (sold)
Ouray County Artists Association
Artists’ Alpine Holiday Show (juried)
July 31-August 8 2015
Judge- Carl Purcell
“Gray Badger” 36”x36” mixed media-s
(sold post show)
50th Annual Yellowstone Art Museum show & sale 3/2018
“Skywalker III” (sold)
Finalist 3rd Annual Conroe Art League National invitational Show 3/2018
“Cheete” (sold post show)
Western Colorado Center for the Arts Member Show- February 2018
“Red Border Collie”, “Red River Valley”
Tubac Center of the Arts-March 2018,
“Shock of the New West” Show
“Turquoise Trader”
Rocky Mountain Regional Juried Exhibition-April 2018
“Better Back it up Jack!”
45th Annual -Art in The Beartooths Auction- Red Lodge MT
July 2018 “Cheete”-(sold post show)
69th Annual National Art Show-Dubois, WY July 2018
“Red River Valley”-“ Morning Star Lodge”-“Badger War Shield”“”-!st place acrylic
National Miniature Show-DuBois, WY August 2018
“Shooting Star Lodge”,”You’re Really Never Alone”, “Golden Moment”. First place acrylic - You’re really Never Alone-(sold post show) 2nd place acrylic-Golden Moment-(sold)
Brush and Palette Show-Nov 2018
“I’m Going West To See The Elephant”, “Colorado Corvus” and “Shooting Star Lodge” -awarded Legacy ribbon
Yellowstone art Museum Auction 2019
Apsáaloke Parade Horse –(sold)
An Evening With The Artist The Dancing Buffalo Gallery Virginia City, MT- One woman Show June 7, 2019
70th National Show Windriver Valley artist guild July 2019
National Miniature Show Dubois WY Oct2019
“Powwow Sunset”, “Water Bird”, “ River Rambler”, Nez Perce Warrior”, “Fall Raider”
Yellowstone Art Museum 52nd Annual show and sale 2020
“While Hunters Dream” sold
Rocky Mountain Regional Juried Exhibition March 2020
“Mother’s Day” “Welcome To Yellowstone”
Carbon County Arts Guild Portrait Show-2020
“Marilynn Big Elk” sold
Craig Gallery- June-Sept 2020 “Hungry Fish”
“I am Wolf”, “Moon of Falling Leaves”, Waterbird” Grand Jct
Brush and Palette Club- Oct 2020
Judged by:“Juniper Berry” (won 3rd place Advanced),” Red Sunrise Bison”, “ Wild And Wary”
Craig Gallery - Palisade, CO “Cubism Show” 2020
“ Leave Now, or You Never Leave”, ”Flying To The Sun”
Craig Gallery-Palisade,Co Portrait show February 2021
“White Coyote”
Windsor Betts Gallery-Santa Fe NM March 2021 “Small War Party”,
“Be Mine Valentine”, “Wahoo Jack”
Yellowstone Art Museum- Sale and show 2021
“Gathering For The Feast”
Rocky Mountain Regional Juried Exhibition Feb-March 2021
“Hope and Honor on The Rims”
Art in The Beartooths- Red Lodge, MT July 2021